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来源:延边教育学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-30 14:07


4. 结语


Bachman, L.F. & A.S. Palmer. 1996. Language Testing in Practice: Designing and Developing Useful Language Tests [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bachman. L.F. & A.S. Palmer. 2010. Language Assessment in Practice Developing Language Assessment and Justifying Their Use in the Real World [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fulcher, G. 2003. Testing Second Language Speaking [M]. London: Longman/Pearson Education.

Fulcher, G. 2010. Practical Language Testing [M]. London: Hodder Education.

Fulcher. G. 2015. Re-examining Language Testing: A Philosophical and Social Inquiry [M]. London and New York: Routledge.

Fulcher, G. & F. Davidson. 2009. Test architecture. Test Retrofit [J]. Language Testing 26(1):123-144.

Messick, S. 1989. Meaning and values in test validation: The science and ethics of assessment[J]. Educational Researcher 18(2):5-11.

杨惠中、桂诗春. 2007. 语言测试的社会学思考[J]. 现代外语(4):368-374.

Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

Absence of Thinking in Reading Classics, by QU Weiguo, p.11

People discussing about classics tend to confound reading classics with the canon. Many believe that the key to effective reading of classics is the canon. However, deciding on the canon is only the first step, which cannot prevent absence of thinking in the reading process. Unthinking reading of classics arises from (1) the confusion of classics reading with general reading; (2) mistaking cognition for thinking; and (3) ignoring the complex meaning potentials in classics that defy any attempt at reading for a certainty. We hold that only when reading classics is an independent and free thinking activity can classics play their thought-provoking role.

Design and Evaluation of a Moodle-assisted Academic Writing Course-based on Chinese Students in an American University, by ZHANG Li, p.17

A number of researchers have investigated the models of writing and their effectiveness, but little research has been done on how social constructivism can be integrated in the whole process of writing with the aid of technology. This study is to evaluate an academic writing course that integrates social cooperation in the preparation, production and evaluation process of writing with the help of Moodle. Twenty-seven Chinese students in the University of Minnesota participated in the study. Repeated measures ANOVA and pairwise comparison of the general scores for first/second/final versions of research paper indicate that learners did improve the academic writing quality, and that teacher feedback had a significant effect on the improvement of the quality while the effect of peer review was not so significant. Repeated measures ANOVA of analytic scores for first/second/final versions demonstrates a similar result except for the writing style. A paired sample t-test of pre/post-course writing shows that students’ writing competence has also been improved. A questionnaire investigation shows that most students had a high opinion of the course, especially of the teacher feedback and use of technology. However, peer-review was not preferred, and there was no increase in lexical and syntactical complexity. The investigation into the effect of the integrated academic writing course on Chinese overseas students will be of significance for the instruction and research of academic writing in China.

Multi-modality Teaching and Its Practicality in English Literature Classes, by SUO Yuhuan & DU Lanlan, p.23

Recently English literature courses have been more and more marginalized; however, considering the significance in their strengthening students’ literary and artistic attainments, teachers feel it urgent to reform the current teaching methods in English literature courses. Taking the compulsory course “Introduction to English Literature” of Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a case study, this essay aims to explain how multi-modality teaching can play a significant role in promoting the practicality of English literature teaching.

文章来源:《延边教育学院学报》 网址: http://www.ybjyxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0730/803.html

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