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来源:延边教育学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-30 14:07
摘要:R wanda, located in the central and eastern p art of Africa, covers a land area of only over 20,000 square kilometers. However, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rwanda-College of Education

R wanda, located in the central and eastern p art of Africa, covers a land area of only over 20,000 square kilometers. However, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rwanda-College of Education has more than ten teaching sites within the countr y. It can be said that a boom in Chinese language learning has fueled in Rwanda. Before I personally taught Chinese for foreigners, I had many misunderstandings about this job. For example, it is easy for Chinese people to teach foreign students to speak Chinese because Chinese is ver y sim ple for us; and teachers should have a good com mand of English so as to teach foreign students Chinese. However, these opinions are wrong. The way we learn Chinese is different from that of foreign students. Excessive use of English to assist teaching will limit teacher's role in teaching. Teaching m ethods are ver y im portant. As a medium, English can sometim es help Chinese teaching.

On the second day of my arrival at the Confucius Institute, Director Zhang organized all teachers for teaching and research activities to discuss teaching m ethods according to the realities, during which teachers spoke freely about textbooks, shared teaching m ethods and discussed with each other for mutual learning. Director Zhang often emphasized that the class should be interesting and illustrative with the help of pictures. Chinese language teachers should enable the Rwandan students to speak Chinese and write Chinese characters. After nearly a week's discussion on “textbooks, teaching methods and actual teaching”, I was deeply aware of the heavy responsibility on my shoulders, which m ade m e very ner vous. With the beginning of a new sem ester in m any universities and m iddle schools in Rwanda, I was assigned to teach at the Confucius Institute Headquarters in Rwanda, and taught a Chinese class with a higher level of Chinese prof iciency in the Confucius Institute. Later, I taught a class for beginners. When I took over this work, I kept asking myself: How to teach? How to arrange the teaching time reasonably? How to make students learn easily and happily? Under the guidance of my leaders and colleagues and through my own efforts, I have acquired several sound teaching methods and concepts for Chinese teaching this year.

Method 1: Adjustment

The Confucius Institute has always adhered to the goal of offering “characteristic, comprehensive and professional” education, enabling students to be citizens with am bitions and responsibility through lifelong learning so that their potential can be fully tapped. This requires that teachers should fully apply the normative and diverse teaching styles, and effectively integrate teaching methods and teaching resources in classroom teaching to meet students' needs. I taught students with certain Chinese prof iciency and also those who have studied Chinese for only two or three months. Students in advanced class have stronger motivation for study and a clearer purpose, while those in prim ar y class have poorer Chinese learning ability.

Therefore, after I got teaching materials, I have made appropriate adjustm ents to the teaching content and the homework according to the situation of students. For advanced students, I focused on laying a good foundation for them as well as im proving their reading and writing ability. For primary class students, I emphasized on consolidating their pronunciation and intonation, and cultivating their habits of writing Chinese characters. Of course, no matter what level they are at, we cannot ignore the cultivation of their Chinese oral com munication and application ability. Through the adjustment of teaching objectives and teaching requirements, I have also had a good grasp of teaching, creating a relaxed and lively language and culture environment, mobilizing students to particip ate in the classroom and helping them learn Chinese, which have achieved satisfactory results.

For example, almost all students in advanced class passed the HSK Level 4 exam this year. Among them, Wang Ming scored 280 points in the HSK Level 4 test. Some students in prim ar y class successfully p assed the HSK Level 2 test. Am ong them, Dao Fu achieved excellent results with only two p oints to the full marks.

Method 2: Reading

Let students read texts more. As the saying goes, “After reading a book for hundred tim es, you will naturally understand the m eaning.” So, students are required to read the text aloud, to prep are for the class and basically understand the content of the text; then the teacher explains the new words, sentences, and asks students to read texts after him. Finally, students take the initiative, so that they can deepen their understanding of the article through reading, which also improves their oral and comm unicative abilities. Of course, it is of great necessity for teacher to make serious comments and guidance in time.

Method 3: Interesting Activities

According to the characteristics of local students in Rwanda, we have tried our best to design f lexible and effective teaching m ethods. For example: I used games, activities, singing, and role-playing to engage students in a language-speaking environment. This not only reduces the diff iculty of language learning, but also avoids the boredom of class teaching, m aking the class easy and interesting. It also better narrows the distance between teachers and students.

文章来源:《延边教育学院学报》 网址: http://www.ybjyxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0730/801.html


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