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来源:延边教育学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-30 14:07
摘要:Method 4: Repetition People often say that “failure is the mother of success”, which is certainly true. But to make students better master the language skills and succeed, I believe that “repeti

Method 4: Repetition

People often say that “failure is the mother of success”, which is certainly true. But to make students better master the language skills and succeed, I believe that “repetition is the m other of success”. Of course, the “repetition” I am talking about is not a random, purposeless, and unfocused repetition, but a targeted repetition focusing on “review”. For exam ple, before class I will use 10 to 15 m inutes to repeat new words, texts, etc. learned before, so that students can remem ber the new words and f luently sp eak Chinese sentences while repeating.

Through my efforts, the enthusiasm of students to learn Chinese has increased and they have further understood Chinese culture. Many foreign students hope to have a deeper understanding of China, study in China, create colorful life, and realize their “Chinese dream” as soon as possible through Chinese learning. This year, 98% of the students in advanced class are conditioned to apply for the Confucius Institute Scholarship. They have applied for scholarships of Chongqing Norm al University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Liaoning University, Liaocheng University, Southwest University and other universities in China. I wish all of them would m ake their due contributions to the developm ent of Rwanda's economy, culture, science and technology after studying in China.

文章来源:《延边教育学院学报》 网址: http://www.ybjyxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0730/801.html


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